Large Gothic Christ of Limoges workshops. Champleve enamelled and gilded figure.
Large and beautiful Christ in champlevé and gilded enamel. Our Christ features glass eyes, a crowned head, and a long perizonium. Rare by its large size, it presents a good quality of execution and a good conservation.
Repoussé, enamelled and gilded copper work. Possible provenance: Grandmont Abbey (Haute-Vienne), first third of the 13th century.
Repoussé, enamelled and gilded copper work. Possible provenance: Grandmont Abbey (Haute-Vienne), first third of the 13th century.
This beautiful piece of Gothic goldsmithery is characteristic of the Limoges workshops of the first third of the 13th century. Note the fine details of the face, as well as the fine carvings of the crown.
Related works: Musée du Louvre, Christ, figure d'applique OA 11935 - Metropolitan Art Museum, figure of the Christ, Accession Number 25.120 .441.
Bibliography: Marie Madeleine Gauthier, Emaux Méridionaux, international catalog of the work of Limoges - Volume I The Romanesque era, Paris, 1987 - Marie Madeleine Gauthier, Emaux limousins champlevés, Paris, 1950.
Related works: Musée du Louvre, Christ, figure d'applique OA 11935 - Metropolitan Art Museum, figure of the Christ, Accession Number 25.120 .441.
Bibliography: Marie Madeleine Gauthier, Emaux Méridionaux, international catalog of the work of Limoges - Volume I The Romanesque era, Paris, 1987 - Marie Madeleine Gauthier, Emaux limousins champlevés, Paris, 1950.
Origin: Limoges, France
Medium: Gilded copper, champlevé enamel
Size: Height: 21.4cm
Period: 13th century
Condition: Lacks to the enamels, wear to the gilding, small gaps to the hands